Friday, December 07, 2012

Zetsuen no Tempest - Episode 9

Just one of Kusaribe Samon's many priceless reactions in this episode

At this point, I wished I had only paid more attention in English class back in high school during the study of Hamlet and other Shakespearean plays. As the series is nearing its climax, I feel that the only viewers who are truly enjoying the story are those who are familiar with Shakespeare's works, particularly Hamlet and The Tempest. While I have read the former (and subsequently forgot all about it soon after) and heard of the latter, the fact that I am not familiar with either deals a big blow to the episode's entertainment value for me. That said, I can still say that this was probably the best Zetsuen no Tempest episode yet; Yoshino finally comes out from behind Mahiro's shadow and takes matters into his own hands after a sudden epiphany. What he has in mind is beyond me, but I initially thought that it would have something to do with the story of The Tempest's... that is until I saw the next episode's title.

This shifted my focus back to the idea of the time paradox involving Hakaze. When it comes to such a issue in a story, a common course of action would be to travel through time to 'untie the knot', so to speak. Thus, reinforced by the next episode's title, there's a chance that Yoshino will try to make a time machine to somehow save Hakaze from her inevitable fate. But like with all time travel situations, one small mistake can result in enormous consequences and/or unexplained plot holes. And so, I'm interested to see what Yoshino will do. He's shown many times in the past that he's someone who prefers to think things through properly before acting. Now we'll get to see whether this strategy of his will end up paying off.


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