Sunday, December 02, 2012

Shin Sekai Yori - Episode 9

What will you do now, Saki?

Rejoice! The disturbing scenes in the last episode were seemingly just a one-time thing. Even better, the pace of the story picks up once again. At this point, I totally take back what I said about dropping the show; this was one of the best Shin Sekai Yori episodes yet. Although the first half wasn't that interesting, what happened in the second half really captivated me. Firstly, the conversation between Saki and her parents reminded me of those serious family conversations in which the parents feel it is the right time to tell their child about something that might have been too difficult for them to comprehend in the past. Although that isn't exactly why I took note of it, what did amuse me was Saki's mother falling victim to the classic slip of the tongue in the midst of her frustration during the conversation. In the same way an accidental "you're adopted" can render a child speechless, Saki's realization that she used to have (an)other sibling(s) (whom is/are now presumably missing or dead) was one of pure shock (with a bit of horror).

To further add on to the negativity (from the characters' point of view) of the episode, we also find out more about the dark side of the community and that Shun is at risk of becoming a Karma Demon. Being the rash character that she is in times of trouble, Saki makes what was obviously the wrong choice to search for Shun in the middle of the night for the sake of plot development. Honestly, I still can't seem to find it in me to appreciate her character; she continued to annoy me in this episode, especially during her fit of rage/panic when she was talking with her parents. That said, none of the other characters really appeal to me either. Anyhow, I look forward to seeing how Saki will react now that she's come face to face with the beast that's presumably Shun.


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