Friday, December 07, 2012

Shin Sekai Yori - Episode 10


Another episode of shoddy artwork and confusing storytelling—Shin Sekai Yori has truly been a rollercoaster of a show. After last week's decent build-up to what looked to be an intense episode, we are instead presented with what the world might look like to someone that's on hallucinogens. Lots of distorted background details and random colours; not really something I was too impressed by. Saki's character also looked absolutely abysmal, with every scene of her bringing me that much closer to closing the video. Sure, I may be exaggerating in regards to how eyecancerous the visuals were, but they were by no means good. On the bright side, next week's artwork looks to return to "normal".

In terms of the dialogue, I felt the message being conveyed—that one's Juryoku, controlled and kept in check by the conscious mind, can at times escape through the cracks that are created by the subconscious—was dragged out far too much. In fact, I was just able to summarize the episode in one sentence. Combined with the aforementioned points about the artwork and the forced drama, I think it's easy to see why I was dissatisfied with the episode. That, or maybe I'm just not getting the philosophical meanings that I have a feeling might be behind the dialogue. The lone bright spot for me was probably the touching but cliché separation scene. When Shun finally confessed to Saki, it was both a moment of "How unoriginal can this get?" and "Don't die, Shun!". To be honest, I didn't really expect that he would die; I'd always thought from the start that part of Shin Sekai Yori's story would focus on the Saki x Shun pairing. But now, I guess Shun's death will probably act as a plot device for further story development instead. And now that the Shin Sekai Yori rollercoaster has made it through yet another decline, all that's left to hope for is that an incline will follow.


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