Wednesday, May 09, 2012

ZETMAN - Episode 6

At long last, it's finally here.

This was arguably the best episode of ZETMAN thus far. The whole episode kept me at the edge of my seat as I was anxious to find out whether Jin would end up transforming, and whether Konoha and her friend would survive. While Kōga's arrival at the last minute is typical of superhero-esque characters, the lack of conflict between him and Jin was surprising. My guess is that their common goal of saving Konoha and protecting the other innocent citizens made them forget about their differences at the moment.

Near the end of the episode was when the mysterious Haitani Seiji formally introduces himself to Jin. The way I see it, Seiji is neither on Jin's nor the Players' side, although he is a Player himself. His actions don't give away his true intentions either as, logically speaking, granting Jin the ability to turn into the red ZET seems to be a bad decision as he may become a possible target due to his status as a Player. From his appearance and speech pattern, I think it's safe to say that Seiji is one of those sly, cunning and deceptive characters that one should never consider trusting. To me, he falls into the category of "Lawful Evil". I'm very curious to see what his next moves are given that he has now seen Jin as the red ZET.

Regarding the preview, it looks like Kōga and Jin will end up working as a team in order to eliminate the remaining Players and their minions. However, I have a feeling that things won't go too well and that they'll end up disagreeing on another ideals-related decision again. It'll be interesting to see how far the rope that is their friendship can stretch before it breaks.


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