Thursday, May 10, 2012

Some Updates

Some updates regarding pending reviews.

Area no Kishi is dropped from reviews since I've fallen too far behind. There's just not much to write about when it comes to sports anime. This is the one important lesson I took out of this.

No, I haven't forgotten about the Ano Natsu de Matteru review. It is still a work in progress. I just haven't found the time and motivation to finish it. I'll try and complete it when I catch up with everything else.

Currently awaiting GetWet to release the last few episodes of Senki Zesshou Symphogear. As of today (May 10th, 2012), they have released up to Episode 11, which I will review soon. Other than that, I'll just have to play the waiting game. Hopefully, the last two episodes are released before this season ends.

That's all for now. Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more reviews~


  1. Aww, that's sad. Area no Kishi is like the sports anime I'm following besides Kuroko no Basuke. I guess there's so much anime to watch and you can only make reviews for a couple of anime.

    I'm hoping you can continue on Ano Natsu de Matteru and Senki Zesshou Symphogear.

    1. Well, it's not bad per se. In fact, I'm really liking Kuroko no Basket. It's just that I'm already reviewing a lot of shows and sports anime just doesn't appeal much to me.
