Saturday, May 19, 2012

Sakamichi no Apollon - Episode 5

The memories

I watched this episode a few days ago but ended up forgetting to review it.

Anyways, the melodrama continues in this episode as Kaoru does some soul searching after being rejected by Ritsuko. True, he probably feels really bad about it, especially since he stole her first kiss, but I really don't think he should've stopped showing up to practices. I feel that just makes it even more awkward; it ended up troubling Ritsuko, too. But when all was said and done—after some "bromantic" time with Sentarō—everything ends up becoming back to normal, or so it seems.

The main purpose of this episode was to show Kaoru reuniting with his mother. There's no doubt that having to live as a child of divorced parents is tough, and it shows when Kaoru is seemingly isolated at home. Even during the short period of time in which he and his mother spent together, you can tell that she really does care for him. Although the reason why she abandoned him is still unknown, seeing the tears stream down her face when they went their separate ways once again tells me that she felt guilty about doing so. The scene of mother and son growing farther and farther apart is indeed depressing, but it also reminds those whose parents are still with them today to not take their situation for granted.

Another notable portion of the episode was the scene where Kaoru and Sentarō visit Junichi's place but find out from some of the residents there that he has been missing for about a month. What's more interesting is that Kaoru spots about a dozen letters, all from Yurika, stuffed in the mail slot of the door. I can't see this as anything other than a sign of someone who's currently infatuated. Whether it's mutual is not yet of concern, however, Junichi's current whereabouts is. I don't expect anything related to this issue to be presented in the next episode; it'll probably take an episode or two before all the other characters start getting worried.


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