Saturday, May 19, 2012

ZETMAN - Episode 7

And they finally meet...

The episode basically went like this: Talk a bit, kill a lot, power-up, talk a bit, kill a lot, power-up, end. Now, for avid fans of blood and violence, this might be exactly what a good episode consists of. But for me, although the episode was enjoyable, I still feel like it lacked any content that required me to analyze or think about. And because of this, I find it really easy to forget what happened during the episode; as I'm writing this review, I'm finding it difficult to remember the significant parts of the episode, even though it has only been an hour since I finished watching it. Whether you blame that on my bad memory or something else that is unrelated to the show itself is valid, but I truly believe that ZETMAN is just your average, gore-filled, shōnen action anime.

In terms of the plot, nothing really happened. The elimination of the Players was expected. That in and of itself took up a good 90% of the episode. Personally, I did find the lack of conflict between Jin and Kōga to be disappointing, but I guess having ZET vs. ALPHAS this early on would not be a wise decision. On the other hand, their teamwork was quite impressive, especially when they were fighting against the shrimp monster. What was more disappointing than the lack of conflict between the two men were the BL vibes after the battle. Fortunately, Jin's response of "You're really starting to creep me out..." made the scene slightly amusing. Finally, the last scene with Tanaka, including the lack of censoring, felt random and out of place to me.

From the few lines that were spoken during the preview, the next episode will probably consist of two main events:
    1) Some Jin x Tanaka
    2) Kōga comes face to face with something disturbing
Seiji continues to be as creepy as ever. I'm starting to wonder when he'll start joining in on the action.


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