Friday, January 20, 2012

Kill Me Baby - Episode 3

Unused Character > Sonya

This time around, the jokes were slightly more amusing and I did laugh a bit at some of them, unlike in the last two episodes. However, Kill Me Baby has still been disappointing as there were quite a few boring portions. At least this episode delayed my decision to drop it for at least one more week. We'll see how it fares next time around.

The only notable event in this episode was the appearance of the new character that's voiced by Kugimiya Rie (I noticed this almost immediately). According to manga readers, this character is part of a running gag in which she is constantly ignored; the unused/discarded character. Assuming that this is true, I find it disappointing since she seems like an interesting character that could possibly add some life into this dull comedy. Honestly, I believe Sonya's personality is responsible for most of my discontent with this series. Given that it's a comedy, energetic/air-headed characters would definitely be the best choice, and Sonya obviously doesn't fit into either of those categories.

Like I said before, I'll be giving this series one more episode to impress me (or at least to not bore me). My guess is that I'm going to stop blogging it somewhere around Episodes 6-8 due to the jokes and story style being too repetitive; I hope that I'm wrong.

Note: I just realized this is one of my shortest episode reviews of the season. Just goes to show how interested I am in this show.

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't say Sonya's uninteresting... I think she fits with the theme of the series quite well: and that is the boke/tsukkomi routine. She's the straight man to Yasuna, despite having her own quirks. And everyone else is a straight man to Agiri.

    But yeah, KMB doesn't have anything that makes it stand out. But I still like it a lot. Very simply comedy that makes me giggle a bit. Perfect for when you're feeling down.
