Saturday, October 13, 2012

Shin Sekai Yori - Episode 3

So colourful~

Once you know, there's no turning back; ignorance might just be bliss. In what seemed like another slice-of-life episode at first, the main five now find themselves in a predicament. To learn or not to learn—that is the question. I think that this is where everything starts to get dark. After obtaining information from the evil minoshiro, the childlike innocence of the group will cease to exist. I have a feeling that things like deception, insanity, and rage will eventually plague their relationships and be the cause of their downfall. Sure, this is a severely pessimistic outlook, but judging by the preview, it might actually become a reality.

However, the immediate issue that arises with this knowledge involves dealing with the elders of the community. The synopsis states that Saki and the other four get exiled after the elders realize that the children have obtained the forbidden knowledge. And so, from this point forth, human contact will surely be scarce apart from that within the group. Instead, various creatures of the era will make their appearances. Just like with the evil minoshiro, I hope the other odd creatures to come are also interesting in design. It's fun seeing what the designers can come up with given a normal, current-day animal (e.g. rat = bakenezumi, crab = torabasami, etc.). Here's to hoping that next week marks the start of good parts of the story.


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