Saturday, October 06, 2012

Shin Sekai Yori - Episode 2

And just when I thought sewer rats couldn't look any more repulsive...

Once again, the introduction scene is mesmerizing yet disturbing. Like in the first episode, death by supernatural forces is once again the focus. Similar to the previous clip which showed a boy going on a killing spree, this one depicted the effects of corrupt leadership in the era of the Juryoku. I'm assuming that, by the end of the series, these short clips at the beginning of each episode will tell the full story of the past leading up to the present day world that the main characters reside in, and possibly explain the origin of the powers that people possess.

In the last episode, we learned that the weak are mysteriously weeded out, with Reiko acting as the unfortunate example. Her incompetence in school is implied to have caused her sudden disappearance. This time around, it seems rule breakers of society also end up meeting the same fate, with Manabu from Group Two having disappeared as well. The disturbing part is that no one appears to pay much attention to these disappearances, or even notices them, for that matter. It's like, once a person is gone, their whole existence follows, leaving no traces behind. In this new world, a dark cloud seems to hover over the heads of the people, shrouding them with a gloomy atmosphere. There never appears to be any moments of true happiness or joy, like there's always some fear lingering in the characters' hearts. Maybe as the story goes on, we'll learn more about this.

Ending off the episode was an ominous speech that foreshadows a future tragedy involving Maria. The narrator sounds like an older version of one of the characters, presumably Saki, who has experienced the calamity that Maria will bring unto the world in the future. On the surface, Maria looks like a normal girl so it's hard to believe that she'll end up being responsible for the deaths(?) of countless people. With that said, I think Maria's character will make for a excellent plot device later on. But for now, as the main group of five sets off into the wilderness, just what creatures await them?


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