Sunday, September 02, 2012

Sword Art Online - Episode 8


In a way, this could be considered as the first episode of SAO since it marks the start of the main plot after seven episodes of side stories which introduced a variety of characters. If it wasn't already obvious, Asuna is most definitely the main girl given she's appeared more often than the others. This episode also further reinforced her reputation as the perfect tsundere (and slightly yandere) waifu. I mean, what's there not to love about a beautiful, high-class lady who is also self-sufficient and capable of defending herself? Just ask Kuradeel.

As probably the creepiest character to date, Kuradeel plays the role of Asuna's escort—or more appropriately, her creepy stalker. Hiding behind the façade of wanting to protect her, we all know Kuradeel has at least some ulterior motives of his own. On top of his not so pleasant physical features, his prideful personality easily makes him a detestable or laughable character. So when Kirito put the old man in his place, humbling him with one swing of a sword, it must have been a moment of true celebration for both the viewers and our protagonists. However, that scene wasn't solely positive as a suspicious cloaked man wearing a glove with a mysterious mark (possibly a guild logo) was seen watching the fight. Something tells me he's going to make an impact on the story later in the future.

And with the cliffhanger at the end, we might just be close to seeing the first boss fight since the one in Episode 2. This time however, I'm quite sure the enemy is exponentially tougher than the previous one due to the floor difference, and that Kirito and Asuna will have difficulties defeating it... that is, unless Kirito somehow manages to pull out yet another mind-blowing trick from under his sleeves, like he has done a few times already. Regardless, I really hope this boss battle will be shown and not skipped like the many others that have been mentioned.


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