Thursday, August 30, 2012

Hyouka - Episode 19

Eru is not amused.

I've got to say this was one surprisingly good episode. In comparison to the last episode, in which the structure was very similar, I definitely enjoyed this one more. While both presented a trivial mystery that was easy to solve if one put effort into doing so, the way the deduction procedure went differed between the two episodes. In the last episode, it was Hōtarō wanting to prove his own theory—a more serious approach—while in this one, he was just playing a "game" in which he tried to get Eru to accept a believable but made-up theory—a more comedic approach. Granted, I'm someone who prefers a refresher after a long, thought-heavy arc, so maybe it's because this episode fit my needs that I enjoyed it so much.

Regardless, it's hard for one to say that they dislike this episode, especially for those who are Hōtarō x Eru supporters. Their feelings for each other are obviously mutual to the viewers, yet neither is comfortable in making a move, which adds to the image of a sweet and innocent relationship. Moreover, ever since the end of the Kanya Festival, you can see that Hōtarō is slowly opening up to Eru, to the point of even playing along with her curiosity, as shown in this episode. In terms of the visuals, which stood out more than usual, I absolutely loved the pictures that were shown alongside their conversation (kept me entertained) and the various faces made by the two of them. The mystery itself wasn't bad either as it proved to be quite interesting. The icing on the cake had to be when Hōtarō realized that his make-believe theory turned out to be correct. Looking at it as a whole, it's amazing to see how, using only two characters, one setting, and a single event, such a great episode can be made. This has truly been one of the better, if not the best, single-standing episodes of Hyouka yet.


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