Friday, July 27, 2012

TARI TARI - Episode 4


Well... what can I say about this episode? Don't get me wrong, it wasn't bad per se. It's just that nothing really happened. A bit of drama here and some singing there—the only notable event was when Wakana received a letter that her mother gave to the Condor Queen's. The contents of the message have not yet been revealed, leaving viewers with a cliffhanger. But whatever its contents are, they should have a considerable impact on Wakana's view on music. It's implied that there's some connection between her mother's death and the reason she quit music so maybe this will shed some light upon the issue.

On a different note, Wien has got to be one of them most interesting and amusing male characters I have ever seen. His unfamiliarity with the Japanese culture and the sheer randomness of his actions contributes greatly the show's entertainment value. And judging by the current pattern of giving each of the main characters one episode for a detailed introduction, Wien will get his sometime soon. I'm actually very interested in about his backstory, as well as Wakana's—the latter of which may be expanded on in the next episode. I'd personally prefer if there was more drama in this series so the next episode should be good.


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