Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Tasogare Otome x Amnesia - Episode 5

Yūko...? Wait, no. That's Kirie!?

Don't get me wrong. The show's excellent and all in terms of comedy, but I feel like this episode was very poorly placed in terms of story consistency. In the last episode, we were left with the cliffhanger of seeing the "shadow" alone in a room with a sleeping Momoe and a half-awake Kirie. But to start off this episode, we are given a scene showing some sort of school cultural festival. It's as if the events of the last episode never happened at all. While this episode was arguably just a filler, I still find it was a bad idea to have it shown after the cliffhanger as it totally ruins the mood set by the last episode.

The focus of the entire episode was on Kirie and how she begins to experience jealously upon seeing Yūko tease Teiichi and watching him get embarrassed by it while obviously also enjoying it. The way she desired to change so that Teiichi would accept her is something that is currently plaguing many young teenage girls these days; the media constantly promotes the idea of physical beauty being extremely important (Take note of the emphasis on "extremely"; I'm not saying physical beauty is not important at all). And in the weirdest way possible, she comes to realize this negative thinking of hers through visiting the makeshift "haunted house", and not something normal like the encouragement of a peer or an inspirational speech. In a nutshell, this episode developed Kirie as a character, although I personally felt it should've been done prior to the last episode.

And with that, one must wonder what the next episode will be like. Will it pick up from where Episode 4 left off, or will it be another random filler? While I'm sure that both choices will be overflowing with comedic moments, I'm hoping for it to be the former option since I'm still interested in seeing what/who that "shadow" is, as well as learning more about Yūko's past.


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