Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Tasogare Otome x Amnesia - Episode 4

Stunning visuals!

There are only two reasons why I watch this show: One is for Yūko, the other is for those amazing and colourful panoramic shots of the characters' surroundings. The visuals in this episode were absolutely stunning, especially near the end when Teiichi and Yūko went for their little "walk". I'd even go as far as saying this anime has one of the best visuals out of all the series I've watched so far (although that's not saying much since I've only been watching anime for about two years). However, good art is meaningless if everything else is just average, which is kind of how I feel about the show as a whole right now.

Other than Yūko being a moe troll (yes, I just used "moe" to describe "troll"), there was barely anything else that happened in the episode. The only notable event was the introduction of the possibility that there might be another ghost/spirit haunting the school - one that isn't friendly and cheerful like Yūko, but an ominous and evil one. Its physical appearance is just that of a shadow, with two rows of sharp teeth being its only defining feature. While it's still a complete mystery as to who or what this shadow is, I do have an idea in mind. This may be stretching it a bit far, but I'm thinking that it might be Yūko's "other self". In one of the previous episodes, there was a shot showing Yūko and a dark spirit sitting back-to-back, almost forming a symmetrical picture. If this is indeed the case, then I'm pretty sure that "human" Yūko is the embodiment of the happy times she experienced when she was alive while "shadow" Yūko created through her regrets and suffering. Once again, this is all just a random assumption of someone who hasn't read the manga yet.

Setting my guess aside, the immediate issue now is what will happen to Kirie (maybe Momoe, too) now that she is (or they are) face to face with the shadow. Given the nature of the show, something tells me that the cliffhanger is just meant as a tease, and that the shadow is probably just part of Kirie's imagination which is being stimulated by the idea of staying overnight in the supposedly haunted school. And if not, she/they better hope that Teiichi and Yūko make it back in time...


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