Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Sakamichi no Apollon - Episode 3

Kaoru is unable to hide his disappointment at the amount of fail he has just witnessed.

The one thing I really like about this anime is the realism it brings to the table. It's not too often that an anime, in addition to being very simple, allows viewers to really relate to the characters and put themselves in their shoes. Sakamichi no Apollon manages to make it easy for the characters to be empathized with. Through the smiles, tears, and emotions, this series has the potential to become one of the best slice-of-life shows of the year.

Picking up from where the last episode left off, problems that result from the "love line" were imminent. It came as no surprise when the two characters at the end of the line (Kaoru and Ritsuko) become heartbroken after seeing their love interests slip further and further away. I'm sure this type of situation is realistic and those who have experienced similar events will be the most impacted by this episode.

While the episode was melodramatic for the most part, it also had its fair share of amusement. Given his image as a delinquent who isn't afraid to resort to physical violence to get what he wants, Sentarō's inexperience with love was very entertaining to watch. His embarrassing attempt at asking Yurika out on a date not only made me laugh, but also showed this different side of him which I did not expect. Nonetheless, he ends up getting what he wants and, at the end of the day, manages to shrink the gap between the two of them. But at the same time, the "ripples" that were sent down the love line ended up affecting both Kaoru and Ritsuko, with the former realizing his selfish desire of pairing Sentarō with Yurika so that he could have Ritsuko for himself has ended up backfiring, ultimately hurting the one he loves, instead. Despite this, Kaoru redeems himself in the end by confessing to Ritsuko, reminding her that she is loved by someone. The confession itself took me by surprise given that many protagonists fail to properly confess the first time around.

Even though there are currently only four people involved in this complicated romance, I'm still holding onto my guess that Junichi will eventually join them as Yurika's love interest. When that happens, it'll be interesting to see how the strong Sentarō reacts.


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