Tuesday, September 18, 2012

TARI TARI - Episode 12

The question now is, what will Taichi do with this lovely image?

In a world full of selfish and greedy individuals, it's nice to see the heartwarming scene of a community working hard towards a common goal together. In wanting to experience the spirit of the school's cultural festival one last time, Konatsu and the rest of the choir club spend the episode battling through the difficulties that came with the announced cancellation. Currently, it seems as like nothing they do will matter, but I obviously don't expect this to be the case in the end. With this being a penultimate episode focused on building up excitement, I expect the finale to finally show the choir club in action.

Aside from the main issue at hand, it was nice to see the vice principal finally letting out her true emotions concerning Wakana's mother, even if it was just some tears. It showed that she's also human—one whose personal feelings when it came to music got the better of her as she was focused on following in her late friend's footsteps. With this, I hope she'll be willing to assist Konatsu in the upcoming festival; there seemed to be some hints supporting this.

But before that, the five will have to get past the man behind the recent events, as the preview shows. The confrontation will most likely be one in which Mr. Selfish Businessman polishes his reputation as one of the most hated characters of the show, along with Hirohata the pretentious brat. On a more positive note, Taichi x Sawa, anyone? Anyways, I'll be looking forward to seeing what happens next week.


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