Saturday, August 11, 2012

Kokoro Connect - Episode 6

Awesome imouto is awesome.

And Kokoro Connect continues to impress. I'm really glad I decided to review this series as almost each and every episode has been filled with brain-churning content. After the exhilarating and emotional end to the "Hito Random" arc, I had doubts about whether this new arc would be able to reach the bar that has been set. But it turns out my doubting was just a sign of my lack of confidence in the show. Far from being unable to meet expectations, it's arguable that the start to the Kizu Random arc promises an even better story than its predecessor. While the consequences of body switching only affected those within the group, the idea of "desire unleashing" has the potential to severely ruin one's reputation and affect those around them, making the need to focus on how to deal with it all the more urgent.

As humans, we all have hidden desires that are meant to stay, well... hidden. But what if one day you started acting upon these desires? The outcome of your impulsive actions could range from plain embarrassment to a trip to the police station, as the five members of the Cultural Research Club can attest to. With the body switching, their fears focused mainly on each other's actions in terms of how they were affected by them. But now, it's a whole different matter; the members now have to fear their own actions. And with Heartseed continuing to troll them, stating that he'll find a way to make things interesting, no matter how the five try to minimize the effects of the desire unleashing, things look to get more tense as time goes on. On the bright side, this predicament does have some possible benefits. A couple off the top of my head are allowing one to be honest with oneself and strengthening bonds by creating an environment that's more or less free of deception.

Pleasure unleashing aside, the complicated relationship surrounding Taichi, Iori, and Himeko takes another step forward (and looks to develop even further in the near future) in this episode. While it's technically Taichi x Iori right now, something tells me it's not going to end up like that without further incident. Judging by Himeko and Iori's actions, especially their talk about "doing it right", I feel that the two are trying to be considerate of each other now that Himeko's apparent love for Taichi has been revealed. Furthermore, I'm willing to guess that this will be a main focus of the arc, and that Heartseed is just waiting to be entertained by this love triangle. Despite the fact that he's a decent protagonist, Taichi still has possesses the unfortunate trait of obliviousness that all male leads in romantic comedies seem to have, which will definitely complicate things. Nonetheless, I am really looking forward to the next episode and seeing how all this will play out.


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