Saturday, June 16, 2012

ZETMAN - Episode 11

You deserved it, Hayami.

Everything happened a little too quickly for my liking but it was an enjoyable episode overall. In a way, the test brought out a different side of Kōga. For once, he was able to climb out of his own pit of weakness and get the job done. But this newfound energy was ironically given to him by Jirō out of all people. The old man's criticism regarding Kōga's view of justice was just the nudge that the Amagi Corporation's heir needed in order to break free of his own anxiety. Furthermore, my previous hate for Jirō has turned into sympathy after he revealed the truth about him and his son, and how the Amagi Corporation turned its back on them. On another note, I found it amusing how Kōga realized he had made the "right" choice (according to Jirō) back in Episode 2—before everything even began—when he and Jin argued over whether to save the mother or not.

For me, Kōga's triple kill came out of nowhere. It successfully ruined the tension in the air at that time as I thought Hayami would've put up a better fight after finally revealing to Kōga his true intentions; there should've been more drama. Even Jirō and his son died pitiful deaths, which I felt they didn't deserve. But because of these quick eliminations, it made it more realistic that Kōga made it back in time to the press conference his father was holding, right as Seiji and Jin begin their battle. That final scene, particularly the great dialogue, sets the tone for the next episode. The "conflict triangle"—Mr. Amagi accuses Jin for blowing up his mansion, Jin is trying to stop Seiji from having his way, and Seiji is criticizing the president of the Amagi Corporation for creating the Players—intrigues me the most as it makes me wonder which party the rest of the citizens will side with. And with Kōga about to enter the fray, things might just get even more complicated.

Judging by the preview, Kōga will unsurprisingly side with Jin instead of his father because he knows the truth about the whole bombing incident. Even so, I'm not too convinced that it's going to be enough to swing the support over to Team ZET & ALPHAS. And with Seiji using fear to keep the humans in check, it might just end up being him who gets what he wants. On the losing end of this battle would probably be the president himself. I won't be surprised if he ends up getting killed (maybe by Kōga?), whether accidentally or intentionally, as that would more or less be just desserts for what he had done in the past. With two more episodes to go, I hope that ZETMAN will be able to end on a high note.


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