Saturday, March 31, 2012

Inu x Boku SS - Episode 12


After the events of the last episode, the one question that's guaranteed to be on the minds of those who haven't read the manga yet is: "What is the current state of the Sōshi x Ririchiyo relationship?" But before that is answered, the first half of the episode focused on the events of Chapter 9 of the manga - the time capsule event. While the happenings that occurred weren't really of significance (other than Renshō noting that Ririchiyo's personality had changed; to put it simply, character development), the suggestion to bury a time capsule with letters for the reincarnations of each other (they're youkai) helped to set the stage for Chapter 10, and the finale of the series.

One thing was certain from the start: there was bound to be a point in the series where Ririchiyo realizes her feelings for Sōshi and ends up with him. Having it happen in this episode was fitting for a finale and a good stopping point in case there was going to be a season two. Throughout the series, Ririchiyo had been an amusing character with the thoughts that go on inside her head and her unintentional verbal whiplash. From a non-manga reader's point of view, the last thing I expected Ririchiyo to do was openly express her feelings. At the very least, even Sōshi, who is bent on suppressing his desires, is more likely to be the one doing the confessing. Nonetheless, when the first "好き..." came out of Ririchiyo's mouth, my heart skipped a beat. I thought she was already very moe before, but this was just an overload of moe. On top of that, knowing Ririchiyo's personality, the scene was twice as good.

But things didn't stop there. I'm willing to bet Sōshi just lost it at that moment, after hearing those words ring in his ears. Although the embrace in the last episode great, this one was even better. Accompanied by Sōshi's "愛してます!", I doubt anyone now could come up with a reason as to why those two aren't the best couple of the season. The short "epilogue" (as I call it) afterwards, further supports this claim of mine.

In the end, I thoroughly enjoyed the episode and the series. Although it was a bit slow in the middle, the last two episodes mostly made up for it. I'd personally like a season two as I haven't read past Chapter 12 of the manga yet. That aside, more Ririchiyo and Karuta is always welcome. I'm going to miss my weekly dose of moe.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome review ! I felt the same way at the last episode :) ririchiyo is truly "moe"
