Monday, March 05, 2012

Another - Episode 9

Teshigawara, you idiot...

After a short recap of last episode's death which had many suspect that the deaths could occur even outside of Yomiyama, Chibiki reveals it may not be the case as the recent victim actually hit his head on something prior to the trip. Also, dead Yukari turns out to be part of Kōichi's dream like I had anticipated. So with that out of the way, the main focus now goes back to the "thing" that is hidden in the old Class 3 classroom.

The eerie atmosphere was set-up really well even before the search began with the dark clouds in the sky and the suspicious behavior of the two girls from the drama club. Additionally, one of the girls mentions that Chibiki is the advisor for drama club, leading me to suspect that everything he said prior to this could be just an act. Now, I admit this may be a case of reading too much into something, but I'd like to keep note of it as a possibility. The farewell portion of the conversation seemed suspicious to me and, once I got to the end of the episode, I think I was right about it being strange. Notice that the two girls bid farewell differently: one uses "さよなら" (Goodbye) and the other uses "じゃね" (See you). It turns out that the さよなら literally meant "goodbye" in the sense that they'll never see each other again (the girl who said that, along with her parents, fell down the side of a cliff in their car). I found this to be a bit disturbing since it seems that even words can mean a matter of life or death for these students.

The build-up to the climax was the classroom searching scene. I was half-expecting them to find something grotesque but was glad that I was wrong. I liked how they didn't find the tape right away as it'd be unrealistic, but I was curious as to how Mei seemed to be calm and collected for the duration of the search (she fearlessly lead the way into the classroom, wasn't afraid of nearly having broken glass fall onto her, and was technically the one who found the tape). Listening to the tape itself was slightly frustrating as the Matsunaga guy took forever to get to the point. His little story about the class trip 15 years ago was interesting but uninformative, in my opinion. And just when the truth was about to be revealed, a staff member from the school had to interrupt, causing Teshigawara to ruin the tape as he panicked to hide it and himself before the teacher came into the room. It's going to be another episode before a possible resolution.

My suspicion of Mei being the extra grew a bit in this episode due to her actions but I really hope that it isn't her. The preview looks interesting once again but I've learned not to trust it given last week's misleading preview. Seeing a shot of Izumi crying didn't make me too thrilled either and I'm a bit worried about what lies ahead for her. I just hope she can last three more episodes.


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