Friday, January 13, 2012

Amagami SS+ - Episode 2

Nageki no Tenshi?

I like how it's a happy ending and all but, honestly, I can't help but facepalm at every single action and word that comes from Junichi. Everything he does and says is so lame that it makes me second guess whether there's a guy in real life that would do the same. He definitely does not deserve Tsukasa, let alone the other five girls who are to come. Furthermore, the fact that the girls actually like him is mind-blowing.

Since this is the Tsukasa arc, let's focus on her relationship with Junichi. It's no surprise that she is takes the lead in the relationship because Junichi is too much of a girl. No, seriously, the tiniest things make him a nervous wreck and he's actually scared of his girlfriend (he should know by now that Tsukasa is the type of yandere that won't physically harm you, so why be scared?). And when he "tries" to act like a man, he ends up embarrassing himself in front of his girlfriend (e.g. refer to the dog incident in this episode). On the other hand, there were times when his words acted as the support and encouragement that Tsukasa needed to continue moving forward, and I did applaud his actions during those times. In the end, whether Tsukasa's love for Junichi is out of pity or not, single otakus everywhere are bound to rage at how Junichi can get a girlfriend unlike them, but at the same, also gain a sense of hope, seeing how if someone like Junichi can get a girlfriend, they must have a chance too.

As the Rihoko arc approaches, the main question in my mind is whether the Junichi x Rihoko pairing will become official. In season one, Rihoko ended up being the only girl who didn't get a confession/romance scene with Junichi. It was surprising since I thought, because she was the typical childhood friend, she and Junichi would get together for sure. I think her arc in Plus will be one of the more unique ones as it'll be the only one without of an "after story", if I may call it that. However, I personally will be looking forward to the Ai and Haruka arcs - my 2nd favorite and favorite girls of the series, respectively. This sequel has gotten off to a great start and it'll be tough to wait one whole week for each episode.


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