Sunday, December 11, 2011
Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai - Episode 3 - 10
I didn't feel like studying yet so I thought I'd catch up with Haganai. So far, I'm more or less enjoying it. Though I approve of either Yozora or Sena ending up with Kodaka, I'm slightly leaning towards a Kodaka x Yozora ending simply because of the "childhood friend" aspect of the relationship. There are only two more episodes left so the possibility of a harem end is still quite high.
Episode 3 - Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ (4/5)
In a way, it seems like there's going to be one new girl introduced for each episode. For this one, it was Kodaka's sister Kobato. Not much was revealed about her except that she's addicted to an anime named "Kurogame no Necromancer" to the point that she pretends to be one of the characters. She's a interesting character, in my opinion. Moving on to the story, there was some development between Kodaka and Sena as he teaches her how to swim at a pool (mizugi fanservice already?). The best part of the episode was when Kodaka let slip the words of a childhood friend while daydreaming and Yozora reacted. With that, it's now quite obvious that Kodaka's friend (who he thinks is male) from 10 years ago is actually Yozora. What an interesting development that turned out to be. Now I wonder how that's going to affect their relationship as Yozora seems to be the only one who knows about this.
Episode 4 - Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ (4/5)
A loli, a trap and an overly-sexual genius scientist - all of which were introduced this episode. Kodaka's harem count is now at six (if you include his sister and the trap) which is surprising since this is only the fourth episode. Nothing else was revealed about Yozora and Kodaka's past which was slightly disappointing. I'm really looking forward to when both of them actually realize that they were friends 10 years ago. Thinking ahead, I wonder how the series will end. The possibilities right now are: harem, get one girl, BL and incest, with the first two being my personal preferences. Now, onto the next episode.
Episode 5 - Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ (5/5)
And the RPGs return again, this time with two new players. Once again Kodaka is useless, Yozora and Sena cause each other's demise, and the outfits are hilarious. I'm starting to get attached to Kobato; she's such a lovely character that never ceases to amuse me with her 'ku ku ku.' This episode was also a treat for lolicons due to the presence of Maria and Kobato. I guess that the Kodaka x Yozora story won't be brought up again anytime soon given that the preview for the next episode shows the group singing karaoke. Oh well, hopefully Kobato joins them.
Episode 6 - Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ (5/5)
Who would've thought karaoke can be so deep? Best part of the episode by far was when both Yozora and Sena started singing the same song alone while thinking about the time they spent with Kodaka. Normally, at the halfway part of a series like this, I'd be able to choose the best girl for the main protagonist but, right now, both Yozora and Sena are equally compatible with Kodaka. The question now is will the childhood friend prevail or will beauty be all it takes to win Kodaka's heart? As a side note, I'd like to point out that I am terribly displeased with the lack of a Kobato singing scene; the other three in the room got theirs. I was really looking forward to it, too. Anyhow, things look to get interesting as the Yozora and Sena rivalry takes an interesting turn, in Sena's favor.
Episode 7 - Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ (4/5)
Interestingly enough, Japan is considered one of the most technologically-advanced countries in the world and yet, some of their citizens don't even know how to use a cell phone. In this episode of Haganai, we get to witness Yozora and Kodaka trying to figure out how to do something as simple as exchanging phone numbers so that the club can contact each other on when they are meeting. The looks on their faces when they finally figure it out are priceless, especially since it's the first number of someone outside of family for Kodaka and the first number ever for Yozora. There was also a flashback on the time when Kodaka left the area 10 years ago without getting the chance to bid farewell to his "friend" (I still believe it's Yozora) since "he" didn't show up at the time they promised to meet. I hope they expand on that later on and give a reason why Yozora broke the promise. The comedy in this episode was provided courtesy of Sena who, although she didn't have cell phone at first (surprising since she seems to come from a rich family), got the exact same one as Kodaka later on and ended getting spammed by a jealous Yozora. What I hope to see next is the meeting between Kodaka and Sena's father, assuming their conversation will shed some light on past events.
Episode 8 - Rating: ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ (3/5)
First half was essentially Kobato fanservice and some comedy. The second half, however, was a bit on the melancholic side. The mystery of Yozora's sudden departure causes many questions to arise. There are endless reasons why she would leave without an explanation - ranging from the nausea that she had been suffering from while on the bus to unknown personal conflict. Personally, I believe it is the latter since the look she gave Kodaka as the bus started to move looked to have been one of confusion or depression. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like the next episode will provide the answer to Yozora's puzzling actions. Instead, it'll be most likely be about the meeting between Kodaka and Sena's father.
Episode 9 - Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ (4/5)
Firstly, there was yet again more fanservice - this time, featuring Sena and Kobato. Secondly, the hysterical head of the Kashiwazaki household, Tenma (or should I say Pegasus), makes a fool out of himself in front of Kodaka when he gets drunk on wine. That scene had be full-out laughing. The man then tops it all off by falling asleep on the bed that was supposedly for Kodaka and Kobato. Brilliant, just plain brilliant. On a more serious note, it seems that Yozora is holding on to her past with Kodaka tightly, as she is seen standing under the moonlight at the place where they were supposed to meet 10 years ago. Her face showed a sense of longing for those times with possible regret filling her thoughts (the reason why she didn't keep the promise is still unknown). Three episodes to go; I just hope the audience isn't left hanging at the end.
Episode 10 - Rating: ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ (3/5)
What is this, like, the fourth episode with swimsuits? The fanservice is a bit too over-the-top for me but I guess that's what this kind of show is watched for. Nonetheless, the conversation between Kodaka and Yozora at the end made this episode worth the time. It seems that the next episode may bring us one step closer to a Kodaka x Yozora ending seeing as the preview shows bits of the past, as well as Yozora in a yukata. Although I do have one question that I'm sure others surely have: Why do the characters have to shout "UMI DA!" (It's the beach/ocean!) in every single beach episode of anime? It makes it seem like some kind of unspoken rule that every anime character abides by. I'm not saying that I'm annoyed by it or anything but it's just weird hearing it all over the place.
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