Friday, March 09, 2012

Amagami SS+ - Episode 10

One of the few bright spots of the episode.

And that's the end of the Sae arc. It was decent, but definitely the weakest of the five so far. The problem presented in the last episode didn't affect the relationship part of the story as much as the previous ones did. It focused more on Sae as Junichi barely did anything aside from filming her. The solution to the problem felt extremely forced. They made it seem like words could magically change the direction of a situation. I find it unlikely that, because Junichi verbally encouraged her, Sae would suddenly start being able to handle the job of Founder's Festival Committee President since she probably already knew that she was being supported prior to this.

Although I don't know how much work it is to prepare for a festival of this size, I doubt it is as much as this arc made it seem like. True, it's undoubtedly a big responsibility but when there are other people on the committee that are ready to help, sharing the work evenly would lessen the burden one may have. Worst of all in this episode was the ending (before the 8 years after). The whole scene felt like it was thrown in there just to please those who are looking for the romance in the show and for continuity's sake (the previous arcs all had kiss scenes). I was slightly disappointed overall by the arc; trust me, my expectations weren't that high to begin with. The only redeeming factor was the cute "8 years after" scene featuring mini-Sae, who fortunately doesn't have an annoying voice like her mother's. Even the narrator, this time around, added some necessary comedy by poking fun at Junichi's depression due to being unable to help Sae.

Well, now that this arc's over, Haruka's arc is next. The preview made me even more excited for it than I originally was. I mean, seriously, how could you not be looking forward to an episode featuring Haruka that's titled "Sexy"? Only one week of waiting~


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