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It never hurts to have more Erio |
Erio for ISML 2012! She is by far the most moe character of the season. I really hope she ends up with Makoto even with the introduction of the new so-called esper. Judging from the OP, this new character is another loli so Erio may possibly have competition now (I exclude Ryuuko and Maekawa-san because I don't think they have a chance with Makoto). Anyhow, it was interesting to see Kana Hanazawa make an appearance. It was totally unexpected but when she started speaking, I instantly knew who it was. With a new character entering the picture, how will things go now for Makoto and co.?
One day in class, Makoto and Ryuuko have just finished exchanging phone numbers. Soon after, Maekawa-san comes along, ruining Ryuuko's time of being alone with Makoto. After exchanging phone numbers with Makoto, Maekawa-san asks him if Erio has a phone. Since he wasn't sure, Makoto uses his own judgement and comes up with a "probably not". Ryuuko, who overhears this, exclaims with joy, causing the other two to form strange looks on their faces. To cover up her accidental outburst of happiness, Ryuuko does/says some random things like she always does when she's embarrassed. However, her actions don't affect Maekawa-san who continues to tease her by hinting the fact that Erio is a rival for Makoto. With that, Ryuuko gets on top of the desk and demands to know what this "rival" thing is all about. Obviously, she's too dense to figure it out herself. Fast forward to some other time during summer vacation when Makoto and Ryuuko are out cycling. During this time, the topic of Ryuuko's basketball club comes up and see tells Makoto that she may get a chance to actually play in a game. Like anyone, Makoto offers to cheer her on which induces another series of random comments from an obviously embarrassed Ryuuko. However, in the end, she shyly tells him that he should come if he wanted to. Then, after confirming that he doesn't mind getting text messages, Ryuuko starts ranting about how they should send as many texts to each other as possible. After parting ways at the intersection, Makoto returns home. Once he arrives at the door of the Touwa house, Meme suddenly comes up and starts acting like a child on a sugar rush. Due to the fact that he has been living with her for some time now, he has gotten used to her childlike behavior. After returning the bicycle back to the shed, he receives a text from Maekawa-san, inviting him to play baseball. After calling her to find out about the details, it turns out that there is going to be an amateur baseball game tomorrow and Maekawa-san's side needs players. In the end, Makoto decides that he will participate in this game. With the bicycle now back in the shed, Makoto takes a walk to the backyard and finds Erio cleaning her telescope there. After making some small talk, Makoto tells her that he will do some astronomy with her when he's bored. I can keep looping Erio's "Telescope. Sky. Notebook." because the way she says it is so moe.
The next day, after grounding out to third base, Makoto heads back over to the bench that Maekawa-san is sitting on. There, she encourages him so that he won't feel bad about being thrown out. As they watch the ongoing game, Maekawa-san explains to Makoto that the pitcher on the other side is none other than Hanazawa, the president of the softball club at their school. On a side note, Maekawa-san is wearing a fish costume throughout their conversation for a reason that is beyond me. After three outs are recorded, it is now Makoto's team's turn to take the field. The pitcher of his team turns out to be Maekawa-san's father, who doesn't seem to like Makoto just because he is a male. When the first batter, who is walked on four balls, takes his place at first base where Makoto is, the two start conversing. The boy introduces himself as Nakajima who happens to be going to the same school as Makoto. To be honest, their conversation is really meaningless so writing it here would bore you, as a reader, to death. So after the match, the losing team (Makoto's team), is obligated to clean the field. During the cleaning, "Yamamoto" (I don't remember his real name because Meme kept calling him this) asks Makoto if Meme has said anything about him. Once he hears that she said nothing about him, he goes to the riverside and sits there, looking depressed. After the cleaning, Makoto is able to enjoy some leftover eel onigiri from the store Maekawa-san's parents own. While he is eating, he receives a text from Ryuuko who has apparently just woken up. After responding to the text, Makoto is left with another dilemma: pickled eggplant or cod roe; for onigiri that is. With the consequences of being too full to eat Meme's breakfast haunting him (she calls his parents and tells them that he has an aunt fetish), he decides to give one to Hanazawa. Once she finishes it, Hanazawa proceeds to leave for morning practice. Before leaving, Makoto assures Maekawa-san that he is willing to join them for baseball again if he is able to eat the onigiri she brought.
Back at home, Erio is seen doing her morning stretches as Makoto returns the bicycle back to the shed again. When she notices that him, she asks him where he has gone. After hearing that he just came back from playing baseball, Erio starts asking him more questions about it but denies that she is interested in it. However, when he gives her the "I know you're lying" look, she quickly runs back to where she was when he came home and resumes her stretching. Upon opening the door to go inside the house, Makoto is greeted by Meme who is lying face down on the floor while talking like someone high on drugs. He concludes that it is best to give up on achieving improbable things like flying on a bicycle, being an alien and being a amateur baseball star. That night, Erio, while wrapped in her futon because she is scared of being bit by insects, calls Makoto out of his room when it came time to do some astronomy outside. Once outside, he explains that Erio is prohibited from going anywhere far at night because Meme had once told them that there are predators that will pounce on someone like Erio, while implying that he is one said predators. Anyways, after rolling around in her futon a bit since she realizes that, although she is not get bitten by insects, she can't look through the telescope, Erio finally manages to get her head out of the futon. With some convincing from Makoto, Erio eventually takes off her futon and places back inside the house. Then, the two take turns looking through the telescope. While Makoto takes his turn to look through the telescope, Erio records what she saw in her notebook. To me, it looked like she saw Jupiter. A short while later, the topic of baseball is brought up and this time, at the mention of the shopping district team, a big smile appears on Erio's face and she tells Makoto that she wants to play too. Right before Makoto heads back into the house, Erio, with her eyes wide in shock, tells him that she thinks she just saw something shining next to the moon. UFO? Alien? Maybe.
The next morning, Makoto introduces Erio to everyone on the shopping district team. During batting practice, he, Erio and Maekawa-san notice someone on the other team wearing a astronaut suit. Erio found it necessary to point out that the suit is fake. Shortly after, Ryuuko shows up full of energy. However, after seeing Maekawa-san and Erio, her smile turns into a frown. In an attempt to convince him to watch her play, she tells him that she will play her hardest if he watches her. However, right after she finishes telling him that, someone behind him catches her eye. This person turns out to be Nakajima, the guy who Makoto talked to yesterday. The way the two reacted to seeing each other implied that one of them must have confessed to the other and got rejected. Shortly after, Ryuuko pouts her way back to basketball practice alone. When the game finally got underway and Erio's turn to bat finally came, all eyes were focused on her. After the first pitch takes her by surprise, Erio manages to hit a fly ball towards the person in the astronaut suit in right field. What looked to be an easy out turned out to be an error as the baseball bounces of the helmet of this strange person, knocking him/her unconscious. After running around the bases for an in the park home run, Erio, along with everyone else, gather around the injured person. After the so called esper introduces herself (female sounding voice) and says a bunch of random nonsense, Makoto has no choice but to respond with his last resort: "I see". And that is where the episode ends. This new character, though already really late in the series, will most likely bring some nice humor especially since she is just as crazy as Erio when she was still in her futon. Looking forward to the next episode.
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