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Carbonation! |
Tooru was so moe this episode! Everything she did from breaking the ice on the ground with the black cat to caring for the stray white cat that she found was overloaded with moe. The usual gags here and there added to my enjoyment. Hopefully, the cat will make appearances in the last couple of episodes. Something that I question, however, is why Japanese people (or characters in anime at least) are so excited about the first snow of the winter. Personally, when I see the first snow of the winter, I just go "meh" and resume what I'm doing. However, in this episode, the whole school goes outside to play with the snow after it piled up enough. Cultural differences sure are fascinating!
This episode starts off on a chilly morning. As Run makes her way to school, she is surprised to see that the puddles of water on the ground are frozen. She then proceeds to jump on each one and crack them, having a big smile on her face the whole time. After breaking a few, a black cat comes out of nowhere and cracks the puddle that she is to step on. Seeing it as a challenge, she races the cat to see who can crack the most puddles of ice. Shortly after starting their race, the cat stops and looks into a nearby alley. When Tooru notices that the cat has stopped in its tracks, she goes over to it and looks in the alleyway too. When she sees what the cat is looking at, she is speechless.
At school, after Run goes to the door to speak to someone she knows, Nagi notices Run's notebook on the floor. After picking it up, she is horrified to see that it is full of names. When Run returns to her desk, Nagi quickly apologizes, telling Run that she will forget everything she saw. When she realizes that Run looked confused at her apology, Nagi asks Run if those names are for people whom she has a grudge against. It turns out that Nagi's guess is wrong and that it is an exchange notebook between Run and Tooru. Run then explains that, as part of a memory test, Tooru is writing down the names of everyone she has met before. After seeing some foreign names that apparently came from manga that Tooru read, Run and Nagi attempt to say them. Insert Engrish-sounding foreign names here. The way the two try to pronounce the names is really amusing. Yuuko walks in during this and looks on in confusion. Shortly after, Tooru approaches Yuuko and tells her to tell the others that she would like to show them something so they should come over to her place after school. After Yuuko tells everyone this after school, the three make their way to Tooru's house. With Yuuko and Nagi having never been to Tooru's house, the trip there is exciting. When they get to Tooru's place, which turns out to be an apartment, Yuuko and Nagi stare in awe and comment on how nice-looking it is. Right when they enter the building, Run stops walking forward and suddenly starts walking on the spot, saying how the area where the door opens feels like a foot massage when stepped on. When the three reach Tooru's place and enter her room, they are shocked when they see trash everywhere. Run's first conclusion is that the room is the result of a locked-room murder. However, she forgets that the front door is open. When Yuuko sees that the trash can is knocked over, Run comes up with the conclusion that the garbage can went for a walk. Run, you deserve a facepalm. Oh wait. She even imagines the trash as little people that are walking. Double facepalm, Run. Fortunately, Tooru enters the room soon after, saving the other two from having to listen to more of Run's stupid (but funny) conclusions. She then apologizes for the room's messiness and blames it on the thing that is inside the cloth she is currently holding. As all eyes turn to the cloth, the head of a white cat appears, causing an uproar of "kawaii" to ensue. Through a flashback, Run explains that this cat is the one that she saw in the alley in the morning. After she spews some more nonsense, Run brings up the idea of Tooru being a cat. Nagi's imagination of the result made Tooru look really funny. With her cheeks flushed, Tooru demands to know what that means but doesn't get her answer.
As the four split up at the train station, Run and Tooru decide to head over to the shopping district to grab a bite. Before the go eat, Tooru tells Run that she wants to buy a collar and cat toys for the cat. At the mention of toys, Run says that she knows of the perfect place. When they stop in front of a store that seemingly sells "toys", Tooru just stares at the ground with a red face while Run seems to be unaffected by the store. After the camera zooms out, it is revealed that the store sells adult toys. Tooru then Run that the store will sell toys no problem but there is a problem with that. After buying what they needed at the pet store, the two girls head over to a local diner where they satisfy their sweet tooth with a dessert. While there, they also come up with a name for Tooru's cat. And that name is...Carbonation. Yes, Carbonation. And as you can probably guess, Run was the one who suggested it. When the two go back to Tooru's house, Run immediately starts playing with Carbonation. In the end, Tooru felt that she didn't get any attention from Run. Poor Tooru.
The next morning, Tooru is awakened by Carbonation licking her face. Epic moe moment. During breakfast, the weather reporter on television warns of cold temperatures and the high possibility of snow. Before heading off for school, Tooru has to deal with Carbonation's pitiful eyes. Those eyes causes her to hesitate for a moment; making her contemplate whether to take him with her or not. In the end, Tooru's willpower is strong enough as she quickly exits her apartment without looking back at Carbonation. When she meets up with Run, she tells her about the weather forecasts' mention about snow. After hearing this, Run rushes back into her house. Now I thought she was going to come up with an umbrella but, instead, Run comes back outside with a bottle of strawberry syrup. Apparently, it is going to be used to "sweeten" the snow. Typical Run thinking right there. After they meet up with Yuuko in front of the shoe lockers at school, the three turn around and see someone who, even though they knew its Nagi, looked like some creepy stalker because her body is mostly covered by clothing. While she whines about winter, Run starts talking about how she loves winter because of the fun things that you can do during winter. This seems to piss Nagi off as she starts raging before Run could finish her rant about winter. In class, Run constantly stares out the window in hopes of seeing the snow that is supposedly coming. However, as the periods pass by, her once big smile is turned upside down. At lunch, Run tells the others that she has half given up on the possibility of snow. Apparently "half" is not enough as Nagi tells her to completely give up. However, soon after she says that, it ironically starts snowing. Before the other three could notice, Run runs out of the classroom with her strawberry syrup screaming "Lunch! Lunch!", forgetting the fact that she left her bento on the table. Once she finishes eating her "lunch" and goes back to class, Run tells Yuuko that the one thing she would like to do is jump into snow that is so deep that you can't see the bottom. And because this is Run we're talking about, a stupid idea is bound to be brought up. This time, Run's stupid idea is to jump from the classroom window so that she could fulfill her wish. Before Yuuko is able to tell her that that won't be a good idea, Run ups the stupidity to another level and thinks about jumping off a roof. At this, Yuuko probably couldn't handle the amount of fail and just chooses not to speak.
Later in the day, with the snow all piled up, the four girls begin to have some winter fun. Thinking that the snow is really deep, Run tries jumping into it but doesn't even come to close to what she wanted to achieve. Instead, she pulls the others down with her by jumping on them. Because of this, Nagi, who hates the cold, gets back up and starts shivering like crazy. In order to warm her up, Run suggests that they build and igloo. While the other three start building it, Nagi just crouches at the side, watching them. After finishing, Nagi enters it and comments on how staying in the igloo is better than being outside. With the igloo now finished, the fun begins. The other three then start a snowball fight. As the insert song is played, all the other students are also shown having fun in the snow. In a way, it's heartwarming to see so many happy faces enjoying what nature has to offer. The next day, while Nagi is getting ready for school, she receives three separate texts from Yuuko, Tooru and Run. Through the texts, all three of them are apparently sick. For some unknown reason (maybe to not feel left out), Nagi replies and tells them that she thinks she's sick too. After the ending song, Carbonation is seen jumping under Tooru's blanket while she is sick in bed. I found that moment to be very kawaii. Meanwhile, Nagi is left to suffer alone as she is the only one out of the four of them who aren't sick. What's worse? Kitou-sensei is forcing the students to shovel snow. With Nagi's deep hatred of winter, it's going to be one long and lonely day for her. Personally, I find that the series is just picking up steam now as the past few episodes have been really funny. Hopefully, this continues because I'm starting to really like watching A Channel now. Looking forward to the next episode.
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