Erio-chan's ham-don <3 |
Before I watched this episode, I told myself, "Prepare for some awesome drama". Needless to say, I was very disappointed; not by the episode, but by the lack of dramatic scenes. Nonetheless, I found the excessive use of comedy in this episode quite amusing. Though I would've preferred some more plot development, I enjoyed watching the four characters cooking food and making plastic bottle rockets. Aside from the story, I felt that the art was a bit rushed. The faces of the characters from afar looked really messy most of the time and it looked like less detail had been put into the surroundings. Hopefully this is just a one-time thing as I personally believe that art is an essential part of a viewer's experience.
This episode starts with a flashback to May 8th where Maekawa-san discovers several bottles of cola lying at the front of the store that she works at. A note accompanying the bottles states that the deliverer can't handle cola and is giving them away. Not knowing what to do about these bottles of cola, Maekawa-san decides to talk to Komaki-san, the assistant manager of the store, about it. Instead of throwing them away, Komaki-san decides to keep them and tells Maekawa-san to put them in the refrigerator. Even though the identity of this cola-giver is unknown, Maekawa-san suspects that this may have something to do with the person who is launching plastic bottle rockets into the air. In order to solve this mystery, she decides to go see who it is tomorrow after school. During lunch the next day, Maekawa-san thinks about asking Makoto if he would like to go see the mysterious plastic bottle rocket launching person with her after school but decides not to in the end. After school, once shift at work was over, Maekawa-san heads over to the place where the person launching the rockets is. There, she the mysterious man from the last episode. After a while of talking, she finds out that he is giving the cola to her because he is a fan of the weird costumes that she wears at work. Taken aback by his comment, Maekawa-san corrects him, saying that it's proper cosplay. Through this small talk the two get to know each other better which prompts the man to ask Maekawa-san to help him by building more plastic bottle rockets. She is reluctant at first but after the man offers her 5,000 yen per rocket, she couldn't resist. On a side note, this is probably a coincidence but the man looks quite similar to Makoto. Maybe his father or uncle?
Now the story goes back to where it left off; with the Makoto, Erio and Ryuuko sitting around a table in silence. After a while of having an awkward conversation, Makoto decides to make tea, leaving the two girls by themselves. Even after he returns, the silence is still present. In an attempt to liven the atmosphere, he offers them tea with a smile on his face. One after another, the other two do the same and the cup ends up in front of him. This circling tea makes its way around the table before Maekawa-san returns, wearing a lab coat and carrying a white plastic bag with something inside. She reveals that, inside the plastic bag, are materials needed to create a plastic bottle rocket. During Maekawa-san's "art class", Makoto and Ryuuko are easily able to finish their rockets while Erio struggled a lot. After rocket-making, the four move on to snack-making. While Maekawa-san and Ryuuko work of their snacks, Erio shows Makoto her third rocket that she made, meaning that she finally got the hang of it. As a reward, Makoto decides to pat her on the head like a pet. However, Ryuuko, while smiling, points her knife at him whenever he touches Erio's head and puts it down after he moves his hand away. After the two girls that were cooking finish, Makoto and Erio start making their snacks. During the preparation process, Erio's way of chopping really made me laugh. The way she hacks away at the ham slices with her knife, thinking that it's the right way to chop slices of ham, is really funny. In the end, the four all end up making their snacks on rice. Ryuuko's reason is because it's quick. Maekawa-san's reason is because it's her speciality. Erio's reason is because it's ham. Yes, ham. It was so random that it was funny. Now it's time for taste testing. Maekawa-san's oyako-don passed with flying colors as the other three really enjoyed it. As for Ryuuko's oyako-don without the oya, Makoto finishes it by himself, suffering along the way. The last two dishes are medamayaki-don and ham-don made by Makoto and Erio respectively. I'm assuming that these two are decent because the taste tests for them aren't shown. Personally, I would love to try Erio-chan's ham-don. After finishing the food, Erio suggests that the other two girls sleep over for the night. Maekawa-san agrees after hearing Erio's explanation about the scary and dark outside being with aliens. Ryuuko, on the other hand, only agreed to sleep over after Makoto said it was all right. Erio even offered to lend Ryuuko a change of clothes so she wouldn't have to make the trip back home.
That night, after they both took showers, Makoto and Ryuuko decide to have a nice chat. Prior to this, it turns out that Makoto thinks he got lucky when he got to see Ryuuko and Maekawa-san in nothing but a bath towel after Ryuuko complains about how Erio takes baths with her clothes on and how Maekawa-san faints after only one minute in the bath. Anyways, during their chat, Ryuuko tells Makoto that tomorrow will be her birthday. Throughout the whole conversation, Ryuuko kept trying to indirectly tell Makoto that she wanted something special for her birthday. However, she forgets the fact that he is a dense male protagonist. Soon after, the conversation turns from light-hearted to serious as the topic of Erio's reputation comes up. Makoto ends up telling Ryuuko that he would most likely take Erio's side if he sees her invovled a problem with her former classmates. This obviously hurt Ryuuko because it meant that Makoto cared about Erio a lot. As for her, she tells him that, although she won't be able to take Erio's side if that were to happen, she thinks she can take his side. After realizing how embarrassing that sounded, she runs back into the house, screaming. The next morning, the four travel down to the beach where they meet the man who is obsessed with plastic bottle rockets. The four then place their rockets on the launch pads and hope that each one will fly. As a wrap-up, and cliffhanger, to this episode, Meme is seen in front of Tamura Market with a serious look on her face. Looking forward to the next episode.
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