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Hmm, what do we have here? A zebra? |
Funniest episode of A Channel by far with more than half of it courtesy of Run's stupidity. I find that It's really hard to use words to describe the hilarity. To truly understand how hilarious this episode was, I highly recommend you watch it, even if haven't watched A Channel yet or have dropped it. Because the plot isn't very significant, previous knowledge of A Channel isn't necessary. Even though I loved this episode, I understand that others will find it stupid and I respect their opinions. For those who haven't watched this episode yet, I'll leave it up to you to decide whether you like it or not.
On the way to school on chilly morning, Nagi and Yuuko are reminded by a few posters that it is almost Halloween. Knowing Yuuko fears anything scary, Nagi asks her why she isn't shivering in fear at the thought of Halloween. It turns out that Yuuko isn't scared is because she knows that everything scary about Halloween is fake. To make herself feel a bit better, Yuuko tells Nagi that there must be things that she is scared of too. At that moment, Nagi isn't able to think of anything that bothers her. However, the sight of Kitou-sensei's hyperactive "ohayou" proved that there is, in fact, something that bothers her. Yuuko also adds that she is uncomfortable with it too, having previously experienced the consequences of lacking energy in front of Kitou-sensei. Twice. It is implied that Yuuko and Nagi unfortunately ran into Kitou-sensei as they walk into the classroom looking like zombies. Upon arriving at her desk, Nagi notices a creepy-looking doll on her desk. After Yuuko sees it as well, the two discuss the possibility of it being related to Halloween. Behind them, Run debates whether or not she should tell them that she was the one who made it. In the end, she decides to and after revealing the truth, Nagi and Yuuko instantly apologize for everything they said about the doll. Run goes on to explain, with a dejected look, how she tried her best to make it because Nagi had told her that she likes animals. Since they are already feeling guilty about ridiculing their friend's artistic skills, Yuuko and Nagi attempt to find the positive characteristics of the doll but fail miserably. Luckily for them, Run is very gullible and actually thinks that their compliments are sincere. Even after looking at it for a while, both Yuuko and Nagi are unable to figure out what animal it is supposed to be. During lunch, the three of them, along with Tooru, talk about the possibility of a Halloween party. In the end, it is decided that Run and Yuuko will be doing the cooking since Nagi doesn't like the precise measurements involved in cooking (not to mention her diet) and Tooru will be late to the party. Later in the day, Nagi walks over to Run's desk and sees her drawing. Once done, Run shows Nagi the finished picture, explaining that it is word chain pictionary for the exchange diary that she is doing with Tooru (I got this translation from EveTaku. I haven't ever heard of "word chain pictionary" or "exchange diary" before). It's really hard to describe Nagi's thoughts to the drawing but let's just say that the "thing" looks like a worm with zebra stripes. Run's hint of "people eat them" certainly didn't help. All of a sudden, Tooru comes out of nowhere and says that it's a zebra. Shockingly, Run declares that answer as correct. So let me get this straight, zebras look like worms and are edible? After hearing that, Nagi can't believe it and even doubts that she is just too dense to understand. Don't worry Nagi, you're not the only one who can't comprehend how it's a zebra.
When school ends for the day, Nagi still can't get over how scary Run's doll looks. Behind her, Tooru suggests that they meet up before going to Run's place tomorrow. As she is leaving, Nagi spots the same creepy doll, only smaller, attached to the back of Tooru's backpack. Thinking that Tooru would know what it is since she was right about the zebra thing, Nagi asks her. However, Tooru decides to have some fun by not telling Nagi. So, instead, Nagi shows Tooru the one she has which instantly makes Tooru jealous. As Tooru starts begging for the doll, it is now Nagi's turn to have fun as she refuses to let Tooru have it. After begging fails, Tooru uses another plan. Remembering that she didn't tell Nagi what animal the doll represents, Tooru gets Nagi to reveal her favorite animal. Using this information, Tooru begins to imply that the doll is a squirrel. Now that the possibility of the doll being a squirrel is in her mind, Nagi is even more desperate to know what animal it is. Back at home, no matter how she displays it, the doll still looks scary to Nagi. Note: This scene is very hard to summarize as watching it is definitely more funny than reading about it.
On Saturday, Nagi and Tooru meet up to go to Run's house. Along the way, Tooru is swarmed by elderly shopkeepers in the shopping district who all give her free sweets. Tooru explains that since it is Run who is making the snacks, it is better to be prepared with backup snacks because the possibility of Run failing is extremely high. During their walk, they stop at a bookstore. After an hour of browsing, Tooru finds an ero-manga whose main character looks very similar to Yuuko. Meanwhile, at Run's house, Yuuko and Run prepare to make some snacks. After rummaging through the pantry, Run reveals that the snack of the day is...hotcakes! Since she was able to crack an egg with one hand the other day, Run decides to try it out again. Unfortunately, she fails this time and wastes several eggs trying. The look on her face after each failed attempt is priceless. With Yuuko's help, the two eventually finish preparing the mix. Now the only thing left to do is to put the mix on the griddle. Simple, right? Wrong. With Run holding the bowl of hotcake batter, failure is imminent. On her way to the griddle, Run trips but, fortunately, Yuuko prevents her from falling. However, right when I thought that no further mishap can occur, the bowl of batter slips out of Run's hands and falls right on Yuuko's head, drenching her with the slimy, yellow liquid. While apologizing, Run quickly makes another batch of batter (I don't understand why she couldn't it the first time). However, after finishing, her stupidity tells her that she should be the one to suffer instead of Yuuko so she pours the newly made bowl of batter on her head. With the both of them now drenched in sticky batter, Run suggests that they take a bath. After some Yuuko fanservice, she comes out of the bath wearing only a bath towel because her change of clothes had been put in the living room by Run. Unfortunately for her, Tooru and Nagi are standing in the living room at the time with Tooru reading lines from the ero-manga that she and Nagi bought, trying to replicate a scene from it. Even after saying that she hates perverted stuff, Yuuko starts reading the manga with no hesitation, blushing throughout it. After the four gather around the table that is now covered with the free snacks that Tooru got (these definitely came in handy), Run begins to tell the other two that there would have been hotcakes except for the fact that she wasted what was left of the hotcake mix. At the mention of Run's hotcakes, Tooru's mouth begins to water but hearing that Run failed to make any causes her to look dejected. Although Run and Nagi don't notice this, Yuuko does and, because she doesn't want to see Tooru look so down, suggests that they all make hotcakes now. Despite being out of hotcake mix, Yuuko manages to find the ingredients that are part of hotcake mix after some searching in the pantry. With everyone helping out, the hotcakes are complete in no time. After they finish eating and right before Tooru brings the dishes to the kitchen in order to wash them, Yuuko comments on how Tooru's clothes make her look like she's cosplaying. Nagi then tells Yuuko how the kids at the shopping district were crying and begging for Tooru to give them candy. At the mention of kids and candy, Run tries to tell the other two girls about how Tooru gave candy to the kids at the shopping district last year but is stopped by Tooru before any more detail could be given. The episode ends with Tooru denying all of what Run had just said while Nagi and Yuuko mock Tooru with this new piece of embarrassing information. In the next episode, it is already winter. I find it interesting how summer took three episodes while fall only took one. Anyways, I'm quite sure that there's going to be a Christmas episode sometime soon. Looking forward to the next episode.
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