Thursday, June 28, 2012

Jormungand - Episode 12

See you in season two!

I know quite a few people who liked this episode. But as for me, this wasn't so much the case. What looked to be the end for Ugo turned out to totally be the opposite. Instead of being the first ones capable of outsmarting Koko and co., Boss Dominique and his group ended up just like the others in the past who dared to confront the HCLI—in other words, they got owned. While this is technically good and all, it didn't meet my expectations for a fight that's of season finale calibre.

Moving from underwhelming to ridiculousness, Valmet's infiltration of the Daxinghai Company was far from realistic. Armed with only two knives and a decent running speed, it's almost impossible to make one's way through a bunch of assault rifle-wielding guards without having a single shot hit you. What's more is that, in order to rack up the kills, one would have to get close enough to land a killing blow, making them an easy target for any gunman. And if that's not enough, having multiple guards present in one area reduces chance of survival to virtually zero. But the one thing that disappointed me more than all of this was the fact that the battle (I don't care whether it was short or long) between Chen and Valmet was entirely skipped except for short part in the beginning. That was a fight that I had looked forward to for quite a while.

On the bright side, there was a nice cliffhanger that made it worth sticking with the episode until the very end. For most of the series, R was more or less "invisible" in the sense that he had little to no screentime. But now, he looks like he's going to be playing a much bigger role once the second season rolls around. That fat, middle-aged man also seems mysterious and I'm curious to see what his relationship with both R and Koko is. Overall, the first season was enjoyable but not particularly spectacular. Hopefully, the second season fares better.


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