Friday, December 16, 2011
THE iDOLM@STER - Episode 24
Episode Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ (5/5)
The last thing I expected an episode of THE iDOLM@STER to do was bring tears to my eyes. However, this episode did just that. Everything from Haruka's interaction with the kids at the park to Chihaya's motivational talk with the other idols was really well done. But most of all, I was really relieved when Miki didn't blame Haruka for the accident and actually tried to give her constructive criticism about her desire to take time off work despite getting the lead role. It was also very uncharacteristic of Miki to both accept defeat and turn down an offer which would've increased her popularity even further. This shows that she has changed her way of thinking and has matured. For the final episode, I would want nothing more than to see a concert lead by the trio of Miki, Chihaya and Haruka. That would essentially be the "icing on the cake" for a series that I have been wholeheartedly following for six months. However, it's sad to see such a wonderful anime come to an end. Personally, I would love to see a season two!
Below are some more of my thoughts on this content-filled episode. I tried to break it into small parts so it won't look like a total wall of text.
Click here to skip to the links for the songs in this episode.
Like Miki said, Haruka's acting was amazing. The emotional performance she gave made everything seem so real; I'm sure that this is partly true. The good thing is she doesn't blame herself for Producer's accident. However, her mental state begins to falter as she starts becoming confused with what she wants to focus on: the musical where she is the lead or the concert where she gets to be with everyone.
Luckily for Haruka, she bumps into Touma of Jupiter while she was running some errands. Even though it was slightly indirect, I think he helped her confidence a lot when he told her that his group is learning from 765 Productions when it came to the idea of "unity" as a necessary element for a group's success.
However, the turning point for Haruka must have been when she spotted a group of elementary school girls who coincidentally resembled everyone in 765 Productions. Seeing them interact with one another really reminded her of how 765 Productions used to be like that, with everyone laughing and having fun together; a bittersweet memory.
Near the end of the episode, when all the other idols were on the big screen TV in the city advertising their concert, their message to Haruka really moved me. It was good reassurance to Haruka that it's not only her who values the time they spend together. For me, that was the pinnacle of the episode. Okaeri, Haruka!
Chihaya's talk with the producer, who looked to be in a serious condition, at the hospital really showed how much she cared about Haruka. Maybe it was because she felt indebted to her but it was evident that she really wanted to help Haruka through this time of struggle. There was a hint of sadness in her face when she used the analogy of a family to describe 765 Productions and how, because they're slow distancing from one another, it has caused the one who looks out for them the most (i.e. Haruka) to become worried. But Producer's response to Chihaya's story was one of the best things that could've been said. I think his encouragement, assuring her that she is not the only one who loves that "family" or hers, is what influenced her to gather everyone together and give her speech.
It is through Chihaya's speech that all the others finally realized, after all this time, that Haruka had just wanted them to be together. "The desire to change, and the desire for everything to stay the same" is something that Haruka had been battling with alone, without others knowing it. Wanting to return the favor for when Haruka and everyone else helped her through her struggles, Chihaya asking everyone to help Haruka was very touching.
She's already my favorite idol but this episode truly made me like her even more. Yes, her talents and cheerful personality are what caught my attention but there was always a part of me that hoped she would start putting more thoughts into her actions before doing them. And in this episode, she showed me that she was able to do just that.
When she first confronted Haruka, I was afraid she was going to selfishly blame her for the accident. But to my surprise, Miki actually did the right thing by acknowledging that Haruka was better than her and trying to make Haruka think about what's truly important. It was a total change in personality that I welcome since it disproves the claims that Miki is selfish and will only think about herself.
And when she declined the offer to become the solo emcee for the program that was replacing Namasuka Sunday, it showed that she realizes that the support from the other idols is more precious than the opportunity to move even closer to the top of the idol world. This scene is confirmation that Miki has grown and has learned to not just think about herself. MIKI ♥
Name: Honey Heartbeat
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uulWAkCAieQ
Name: さよならをありがとう (Sayonara wo Arigatou)
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXoPO40bPW8 (No Dance Video)
Name: まっすぐ (Massugu) [ED]
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_5-gNEe0Ck
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